Browse Items (24 total)

  • Collection: Communications Decency Act, Section 230

WILL THREAT OF LIBEL SUITS CHILL CHATTER ON INTERNET, Contra Costa Times (Walnut Creek, CA), September 2, 1997, pC01.pdf
These are the two key cases that caused lawmakers to start considering what children might be seeing on the internet.

An article detailing the public response to the Supreme Court's decision in Reno v. ACLU

An article about the Supreme Court's ruling in Reno v. ACLU and what the reactions to it were.

What it means now that the supreme court struck down the CDA

The Philadelphia decision and talk about the first amendment

News piece on the CDA and Philadelphia Federal Judges' decision to send Reno v. ACLU to the supreme court

An article about whether service providers should be responsible for libel. Focuses on the Prodigy case.
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