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Social media has impacted child well-being in paradoxical ways. Yet, our understanding of this paradox remains piecemeal. To address this gap, this conceptual article endeavors to delineate the interplay between child well-being and contradictions…

Lawmakers gave first-round approval Tuesday to a proposed law that would require social media companies to change how they design their platforms to protect children from harm.

The image is correlated to how the ‘Harry Potter’ fandoms are super supportive, looking forward to the new release of the ‘Harry Potter’ books, especially the fifth book in the series. The photo of two young kids, Jeremy Capes and his sister Jaclyn…

The article highlights how dystopian literature resonates with teenagers by reflecting their anxieties, identity struggles, and concerns about the future. It shows how these stories shape youth culture by fostering critical thinking, resilience, and…


I enjoyed reading this article because it gives us a bit of the history of dystopian themed books and where it all began and how it has changed over the years. Of Course with the newer generation of these books, in this time period, Hunger games,…

This article goes into detail of how dystopian books urge people to think out of the box when it comes to our world and how we live. How these books urge the children of our generation not to be afraid to step out of line for the greater good. How…

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Sellers identify an important issue: computer games continue to draw young men far from comic books. A lot of kids don't purchase classic American superhero books, favoring anime-inspired entertainment such as Pokemon. To attract a new teen audience,…

Nebraska Gov. Jim Pillen will ask lawmakers to bar minors from joining social media apps without parental consent and restrict cellphone usage in schools across the state
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