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Integrating Comic Books and Technology

This catalog goes into the dynamics of electronic books (e-books), which have become more common in today's society. Paperback books are still around and still pretty dominant and are mainly used for casual reading. E-books are still used pretty heavily as well though. E-books have replaced a lot of textbook like books whether it's for schools, workplaces, and etc. E-books have helped reduce the workload of carrying around a heavy book to moving it to inside your phone, tablet, laptop, or any other electronic. 


With the advancement of technology and the kids of todays era's interest being more focused on their screens and phones, webcomics have helped the comic industry. Paperback comic books aren't utilized as they once were and they needed a way to bring the comics to the target audience. 


Microsoft has been investing in transforming their data and storages onto online data instead of keeping their stuff physical and leaving it on discs and stuff like that. People have been against Microsoft and other big companies' big push into going fully digital, but at this point in age, there's only so much that can't and won't go fully digital. 

Integrating Comic Books and Technology