The Apple Watch

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An abstract that details the features of the Aplle Watch.

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A newspaper article showcasing the day to day practical uses of the Apple Watch.

The release of Apple's next mainline product was met with much anticipation and many expectations. The Apple Watch did not disappoint. The abstract, Apple Unveils Apple Watch, captures how much the public was on the edge of their seats, waiting for the next leap forward in technology. Apple ingeniously shrunk the interface of the iPhone to fit comfortably and effieciently on your wrist, making the Apple experience all that more seamless.

With the release of the Apple Watch, many flocked to the stores for Apple's newest product. But how good was this product? The New York Times article Dear Diary: My Week Wearing An Apple Watch seeks to answer this question and tells us that, once again, Apple has made a breakthrough. The Apple Watch is refreshing, discreet, and wildly useful.

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An article which tells of the Apple Watch Series 3 and the product line's improvements.

Even after the first Apple Watch, Apple still wasn't satiated. Much like their other products, Apple sought to continue to upgrade the Apple Watch with more features and a more user friendlt interface. Untethered, But Connected: Apple Watch Series 3 Is a Big Step Forward and Even if You Don't Need Cellular showcase the new Apple Watch Series 3 and how it's a major step up from the previous Apple Watches. This one set itself apart by finally adding celluar support. With each new iteration of the Apple Watch, Apple managed to improve the product more and more and make it more aluring. 


The features of the latest Apple Watch, Apple Watch Series 9.


Apple's other Apple Watch product and it's latest iteration.

With the success of the Apple Watch and Apple's indomitable desire to perfect the wheel, We currently have the Apple Watch Series 9 and the Apple Watch Ultra 2. Apple continued to improve on the form-factor, features, integration, and user interface of the Apple Watch. They even took a few notes from their other products and introduces a sister product to the Apple Watch Series, the Apple Watch Ultra. The new Apple Watches introduce new gestures, faster processing, and more features that Apple fans have been asking for with each iteration of the product. The future looks bright for the Apple Watch line of products.